Summer Deals for Night Games


Great news!   All summer night games are now just $10.  Grab your partner for the 0-50 or 299er game on Tuesday at 6:30, or the Thursday night games, 0-500 or Open at 6:30.  All games should be finished by 9-9:30 ISH.  We’ll try to get you home before you turn into a pumpkin😊

Save the Date - August 16-17, 2024

OKC Shootout Tournament
750 NLM Sectional

Tournament Flyer

  • Friday & Saturday - 3 games each day

            (Continental Breakfast & Lunch both days)

             10 am & 2 pm Pairs

            $40 per pair per session

            $4 additional per session for lapsed ACBL Members

             0 - 5 master points players play FREE!


  • 7 pm games with special discounted $20 per pair entry fee, both nights


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Coming your way!


  • Saturday Zoom Classes, 9am
  • Tuesday & Thursday Summer Night Bridge, 6:30, $10
  • July 14, Fun and Games Anniversary Party and Experience Auctions
  • July 28, Team Game 2:00
  • August 4, Sunday Potluck 1:00 and New Rankers
  • August 16 and 17, OKCShootout Tournament 0 - 750 NLM

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